How Do We Know That Evolution Took Place?

There are infinite ways to prove that evolution has not occurred, but none has ever surfaced.

For example, what if fossils were to appear in geological layers that do not correspond to their age? When asked what would change his mind about evolution, the English evolutionary biologist J.B.S. Haldane said, “Find me a rabbit fossil in Precambrian rock.” This famous quote can be explained by the fact that Precambrian rocks are at least 543 million years old,5 while mammals appeared in the fossil record 150-200 million years ago. When dinosaurs disappeared from Earth about 65 million years ago, mammals filled all the ecological niches left vacant by their disappearance. The modern theory of evolution would fall to pieces if a mammalian fossil were found in a rock layer older than 200 million years. 

If species did not possess the genetic diversity necessary for evolution to occur, or if scientists discovered individuals within a species with useless adaptations, one could offer evidence to disprove evolution.

Darwin wrote in On The Origin of Species: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

If the genetic evidence provided by DNA contradicted the evidence gathered from anatomy and fossils, the idea behind evolution would collapse. For example, evolutionary ideas could be rejected if whales were genetically closer to fish than mammals. To date, not one fact that contradicts evolution has been responsibly proposed.

No scientists or scientific trends deny evolution. The global scientific community agrees that evolution is a fact. Only those with a religious, non-scientific agenda insist on denying evolution. Scientific truths are not determined by majority rule but by the evidence that sustains them.

It is a misconception to believe that the only evidence for evolution involves fossils. Evolution can be proven based on multiple lines of evidence. The anatomical similarity among different animals, the geographic location of various species, the similarities among the proteins found in living things, and the DNA composition in similar species all prove that evolution is a fact.

Few scientific theories are as robust as evolution. It rests on anatomic, genetic, geographic, molecular, geologic, and paleontological evidence. There are even hundreds of examples of evolution happening today.

Let us now look at some of the multiple lines of evidence that all point to the fact that evolution does indeed occur.

JBS Haldane

J.B.S. Haldane was an Indo-British scientist famous for his contributions to statistics, genetics, and evolutionary biology.